In sharing our financial stories and advice, Maria and I get one question over and over again: “What are sinking funds?” We've talked about saving money before in a general way, but we haven't really discussed many of the specifics about sinking funds. Well, get out your pen and … [Read more...]
Our Budget After Going Debt Free
Let me tell you something: paying off my student loans was a huge weight off of Maria's and my shoulders. It was our overriding financial goal for almost our entire relationship. We weren't saving any money and we kept our discretionary expenses in our monthly budget to a … [Read more...]
We are Finally Debt Free!
Maria and I have been working our butts off to pay off my $180,000 in student loans early and we are so happy to announce that we did it! WE ARE FINALLY DEBT FREE! We began our journey out of debt last summer, shortly after we were engaged. We invested in Dave Ramsey's … [Read more...]
Our Patriotic Debt Reduction
This Independence Day, Rob and I had plans to celebrate with family, but first we had one small, but important item to cross off our to-do list: updating our debt payoff chart! As planned, we waited until the most of the dust from our wedding expenses had settled, then we made a … [Read more...]
Big Strides Forward in Our Journey Out of Student Loan Debt
Big things have been happening behind the scenes at Crazy Together. Now that Rob and I are married, we can finally put all of the plans we made for building our future into action. Yes, the wedding was beautiful, exciting and beyond all of my wildest dreams and expectations. Our … [Read more...]
Make Budgeting your New Year’s Resolution
Now that New Year's Day is almost upon us, it's time to start thinking about goals for 2015. Maria tells me that a lot of people are doing an nutrition challenge called the Whole30 for the month of January as a New Year's resolution. I wanted to suggest another New Year's … [Read more...]
Why We Love Financial Peace University
Maria and I have talked a lot about our debt and how Dave Ramsey and Financial Peace University helped us put together our plan to get out of debt and manage our money together. But we have not really talked about what Financial Peace University is or why we love it so … [Read more...]
Dealing with Debt: Our Story
Over the past few weeks, I've shared my story my story of how I landed $180,000 in debt and Maria told her perspective as she realized the debt would impact her life. Today, I am happy to reveal our plan to deal with the debt and begin our lives together debt-free. Maria was … [Read more...]
Dealing with Debt: Maria’s Story
My name is Maria and I fell in love with a man who owes $180,000 in student loans. His name is Rob. You probably met him already. We are getting married and on June 12, 2015; I will also find myself $180,000 in debt. For richer or for poorer. For better or for worse. I am … [Read more...]