Hello and welcome back for another round of 5 Things! Things in our house somehow simultaneously feel like nothing ever changes and also like every two weeks our world is flipped upside down by some new (and often not-so-fun) phase with one of the kids. It has been a long time … [Read more...]
How Harvey James Got His Name
I still can't believe Harvey already has two Christmases under his belt. The time with him as a baby flew by even faster than it did with Dessa, and now he's a full-fledged toddler walking all over the house. It was a wild first year for Harvey, what with the pandemic and … [Read more...]
5 Things #5
It has been a hot minute since I've had a chance to share an update about our life at home in a blog post. I try to share little glimpses of our happenings in Instagram Stories, but I've barely had a spare moment of quiet time to sit and explain anything about our household. … [Read more...]
I’ve Been Struggling Too: Looking Back at the Last Few Weeks
I'm not sure if you've been keeping track, but it has been over a month since I was able to share anything from our household on the blog with you. Rob and I had a good five-week run of managing our nonstop time at home together with mild success and were making it work as best … [Read more...]
This Was Definitely the Hardest Week Yet
Five weeks at home and counting. Sigh. The days have undoubtedly been long ever since we started social distancing, but this past week felt especially difficult. Everyone in the house was short on sleep, the weather was cold and life was just plain hard. Nothing was easy, but … [Read more...]
Can You Believe It’s Been 4 Weeks at Home?
Another week at home has come and gone and I'm completely shocked that we've been in this routine for four weeks. I know that the days are long and exhausting; but does anyone else feel like the past four weeks have just flown by? I'm back with another look at our highlights from … [Read more...]
3 Weeks of Social Isolation and Counting…
I can't believe that our family has been homebound for three weeks as we do our part to flatten the curve. The days are long and tiring, but I'm astounded that we have already been in this routine for so long. Each week seems to go a little more smoothly than the one before. This … [Read more...]
Life As We Social Distance
Hello from our little corner of the world. Life is very different these days and we are doing our best to manage all of it without alarming Dessa or losing our minds in the process. The overwhelming thought that I have is that this whole situation is mostly the same business as … [Read more...]
5 Things #4
Hello and welcome back for another round of five things! It seems like something is always new in our world and I'm excited to update you on five new things for the Gavin family. Admittedly, most of our news is about Dessa and Harvey, but they are growing and changing so much … [Read more...]