This Independence Day, Rob and I had plans to celebrate with family, but first we had one small, but important item to cross off our to-do list: updating our debt payoff chart! As planned, we waited until the most of the dust from our wedding expenses had settled, then we made a … [Read more...]
Big Strides Forward in Our Journey Out of Student Loan Debt
Big things have been happening behind the scenes at Crazy Together. Now that Rob and I are married, we can finally put all of the plans we made for building our future into action. Yes, the wedding was beautiful, exciting and beyond all of my wildest dreams and expectations. Our … [Read more...]
Where the Heck Have We Been?: An Update
Oh my gosh, it's been a while since we posted anything! Maria and I have been going absolutely CRAZY together (get it?!) over the past few weeks. We have been dropping a few hints on our Instagram page, but so many of our friends and family have been wondering what we have been … [Read more...]
Still On Our Way to Debt Free
Yesterday was an exciting day for Maria and I: we got to draw another line on the "On Our Way to Debt Free" chart! Each line we draw on the chart is a little over $2,000 paid off and we now have two lines on the chart! That means we have over $4,000 in principal paid off! I know … [Read more...]
Dealing with Debt: Our Story
Over the past few weeks, I've shared my story my story of how I landed $180,000 in debt and Maria told her perspective as she realized the debt would impact her life. Today, I am happy to reveal our plan to deal with the debt and begin our lives together debt-free. Maria was … [Read more...]
Dealing with Debt: Maria’s Story
My name is Maria and I fell in love with a man who owes $180,000 in student loans. His name is Rob. You probably met him already. We are getting married and on June 12, 2015; I will also find myself $180,000 in debt. For richer or for poorer. For better or for worse. I am … [Read more...]
Dealing with Debt: Rob’s Story
My name is Rob and I have a secret. I'll give you a hint: it rhymes with "schmudent roans." Yes, like many, many Americans, I have student loans. And not only do I have student loans, I have a massive amount of student loans. Want to know how much? I'll let you guess. I went … [Read more...]