Here we are, several days into the New Year and Rob and I are still refining and planning some of our goals for the year ahead. We already shared the financial milestone we hope to accomplish in 2019, but there are so many other visions we have for our family in the next year. Many are personal, some are career-related, and a few of our goals are anchored in this blog.
We launched Crazy Together in 2014 with the mission of bringing you along for the ride of whatever is happening in our lives. Back then, we were newly engaged, planning for a wedding, and preparing to build our future together. As time went on, we paid off Rob’s debt, enjoyed life as newlyweds, and moved from one rental to another as we saved and dreamed of finally finding our forever home. Then Dessa came along and changed everything. Thanks to that sweet little bundle, I left the classroom and Rob and I both became more intentional about life at home and the content we share on Crazy Together. Our time is more precious than ever and we love the little corner of the internet that we use to share our hearts, our joys, our hopes, and even our frustrations.
We have already put many wheels into motion to make the time we pour into Crazy Together as valuable to you, our dear readers, as possible. You may have noticed that our frequency of posts has increased dramatically over the past four months as we set our preliminary goals into motion late last year.
Everything we write, share, and do with Crazy Together is done to serve you and we need your help for the next step forward. We created a reader survey to help us learn more about you: specifically who you are, what you like to see on the blog, and your thoughts about what we are doing here at Crazy Together (both good and bad). We surveyed our readers back in 2016, but that was three years ago and so much about us (and you) has changed in that time, we knew it was time to launch a new survey. Your feedback will help us focus our content on what you are interested in and guide us in a potential redesign of the Crazy Together website.
So, please, take a few minutes and complete our survey to help us shape the content and experience you want. Tell us what are we doing right, what are we doing wrong, and let us know a little bit about you in the process. I promise, it won’t take any more than five minutes of your time.
As a token of our appreciation, we will choose one random winner who completes the survey to win a $25 Amazon gift card. The survey will close at 11:59pm EST Saturday, January 19 and a winner will be selected at that time. Thank you so much for coming along for our journey and we hope to share all of our adventures for many years to come. Click here to take the 2019 Crazy Together reader survey.
One last note just for fun before you go. I often shoot family photos of the three of us myself, thanks to my tripod and the self-timer on my camera. This usually means that Rob and Dessa get into position while I set up the shot. Then, when everything is ready, I turn on the timer, run across the room, get into position and hope for the best. I only have 10 seconds to do all of that before the camera fires, so you can imagine how crazy and awkward those 10 seconds can be. We then proceed to repeat the process about 20 times (sometimes more) before I finally give up and say “there must be one good photo in there.” We took the photo for this post when the light was starting to fade and Dessa was overdue for a nap, so we only had about 6 chances to get the shot. We fared pretty well considering and I thought you might want to see a few of the awkward rejects from our little photo shoot.
Thank you once again for following us on our crazy journey together. It truly means the world to us!
I have an odd request. Would you share your hand washing and laundry routine with the Stitch Fix clothes? I’ve never had clothes that needed special treatment before and I’m a little lost on how best to clean them without any harm.
I used to be very good about hand washing my clothes in the sink with Woolite, but I’ve gotten lazy after having Dessa. Now I always put my hand-washables in a laundry garment bag (like these Set of 5 Mesh Laundry Bags-1 Extra Large, 2 Large & 2 Medium Bags Laundry,Blouse, Hosiery, Stocking, Underwear, Bra Lingerie, Travel Laundry Bag and throw it in with my regular laundry. I wash everything in cold water on the gentle cycle and the bag offers a little extra protection. Then, when I transfer clothes to the dryer, I take my hand-wash items out of the bag and lay them on a drying rack (don’t put them in the dryer!) so far, my clothes have held up really well with this method, but I don’t wear or wash them as often as I used to, so I can’t say for sure that the clothes will last through tons of washes with this method.
That was so helpful! Thank you for responding.
You are very welcome!
I would LOVE to see a photography tutorial specifically for taking pics of young kids. ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for the suggestion! I don’t have a toddler-specific photography tutorial, but I wrote this one when Dessa was a baby and many of the tips are still relevant :)