Maria and I decided early on in our pregnancy that we did not want to learn the sex of our baby. But that doesn’t mean we don’t wonder if it’s a boy or a girl! No matter what gender our baby is, we will be thrilled to have him or her in our arms. In the meantime, it’s a little awkward when we try to talk about the baby. Maria and I really aren’t nickname people, so that isn’t an option and I always feel uncomfortable referring to our little one as “it”. To settle the question temporarily until we find out the old-fashioned way whether it’s blue or pink, we decided to try some old wives tales about predicting the sex of our baby. So let’s see what the folk wisdom has to say!
How Is She Carrying?
One old wive’s tale says that if the mom is carrying high (like a basketball sticking straight out), then it’s a girl. If the baby is carrying low (like a watermelon), then it’s a boy. Let’s take a look at the evidence:
What do you think? Looks to me like she’s carrying high, like a basketball. I’m going to count this as one check in the girl’s column.
The Ring Swing
In another folk tale, dangling the father’s wedding ring on a string over the mother’s belly will tell you if it’s a boy or a girl depending on how the ring moves. If it swings back and forth like a pendulum, it’s a boy. If it swings in a circle, it’s a girl.
Maria and I tried this and the ring swung like a pendulum.
We couldn’t find any regular string in the house and had to settle on a roll of jute that Maria had tucked away in her craft supplies. If you ask her, Maria swears that the large size of the knot threw the ring off balance and affected its motion. As for me, I’m putting a tally in the boy column.
Sweet and Sour
Another legend has it that a mother who craves sweet treats during her pregnancy is having a boy. If she craves sour snacks instead, it’s a girl. This one is really hard to gauge for Maria. She doesn’t have much in the way of pregnancy cravings, one way or the other. Lately, she craves Coke and eats a lot of sugar-free popsicles, but it’s mostly because she can’t eat a lot of sweets while managing her gestational diabetes. And we all know that it’s human nature to want what you can’t have. So I’m going to call this one a draw.
Morning Sickness
Here’s one that even I heard before I started researching for this post: if she has morning sickness all day long, it’s going to be a girl. And, as Maria talked about when we announced our pregnancy, she pretty much had some amount of nausea all day long. It was worst at night, but it was kind of an all-day thing. So I’m going to label this as an indicator that we might be having a girl.
The Chinese Calendar
There is a legend of a Chinese lunar calendar that can predict it’s a boy or a girl, as long as you know the mother’s lunar age at the time of conception. It sounds complex, but there are some online calculators that do the math for you. We ran Maria’s information and … it’s a boy!
The Beauty Thief
Here’s one you’ve probably heard before. If you are having beauty issues during your pregnancy, such as acne or hair problems or any of a number of other things, its because you are pregnant with a girl and she is “stealing” your beauty.
Well, Maria’s hair has never been more luxurious and she looks just as beautiful to me as she ever has. I think it’s safe to say that pregnancy definitely agrees with Maria, so I’m going to count this one for the boys.
Your Partner’s Weight
Here’s one about the guys: if the father gains weight right along with you, then you are probably having a girl.
In our case, I gained a little bit of weight around the holidays (who doesn’t?), but I have since lost a good deal of weight thanks to much healthier eating. I think this is supposed to count throughout the pregnancy, so this point goes to the boys.
The Baby’s Heartbeat
Some people say that the baby’s heartbeat is an indicator of whether it will be a boy or a girl. If the heartrate over 140, it’s a girl. If it’s under 140, it’s a boy. Maria admits that she doesn’t pay much attention to the fetal heartbeat when she goes in for a checkup (she’s just always happy that there is a heartbeat.) We have a small fetal doppler at home that my sister lent to us, which we used to do a little investigating. Once we heard a strong heartbeat, the doppler was coming in at 155-168 bpm. Based on that, it might be safe to guess that Baby Gavin will be a girl.
The Linea Nigra
Another myth I’ve heard is based on the linea nigra, the line that develops during pregnancy and runs up the middle of your belly. The myth holds that you are having a girl if the line goes up to your belly button and stops. If it goes any further up your body, it’s a boy. As you probably already suspect, Maria wasn’t in any hurry to share photo evidence of her linea nigra, but her line extends well beyond her navel; yet another indicator that we may have a baby boy on the way.
And the Winner Is …
According to all these old wive’s tales, it’s a boy! The final tally was 3 in favor of a girl and 5 in favor of a boy. It’s going to be really interesting to see if our child’s actual gender matches up when we finally have him or her in our arms.
What Do You Think?
As Maria explained in her last bump update, everyone enjoys making predictions about whether she is having a boy or a girl. We decided to share a little of the baby guessing excitement with all of you. Leave a comment with your prediction for whether Baby Gavin will be a boy or a girl. After the baby arrives, we will award someone who guessed correctly with a $50 Amazon gift card.
This little contest is open until the date and time that Baby Gavin is finally born. We will randomly select one winner with a correct guess that was made before the deadline and contact him/her via email just as soon as we have a chance to breathe and look at our computers after the baby arrives. The winner will have 48 hours to claim his or her prize before the prize is forfeited and another winner is chosen, so make sure you use a current email address that you check often.
Thanks to Linsey from LynseyLou Photography for the wonderful photos!
To anyone who’s curious, Maria’s dress is from Wren and Ivory. It’s not a maternity dress, but it is from their “baby bump friendly” collection.
My doctor told me the heartbeat theory only works when you’re in labor. Who knows? I hope you have a healthy baby which is all that matters, but if I had to guess, I’ll say a boy. Good luck with everything!
I think GIRL! Hang in there, it’s so close!
I think it is a girl… but I am always wrong at it even with my own pregnancy… hihihi!
I’m guessing girl! Maria is so into fashion and clothes that I just picture a girl for you!
This was fun to read! We tried a bunch of these too when I was pregnant with my son. We did find out his gender at 20 weeks though.
I’ve had five children, and only knew the gender of one of them prior to delivery. However, my gut instinct was correct. I just “knew” whether it was a boy or girl. So, I’d say ask Maria what she really thinks. My guess for you is a boy!
Totally a boy!
I think girl! 🎀
Girl 🌹
I think boy…wishing you guys the best!
I think it will be a boy!
I’m guessing girl ! 💟
I’m guessing a girl 🎀
I think a Girl. But as long as she/he are Healthy it will be Wonderful.
I predict BOY!
It’s a girl. I’m always right. Haha.
Nora just looked at your picture and said girl too. Haha.
I think girl, but either way they will steal your heart ❤️
I think a girl! I think the heartbeat predictor is the most accurate. :) Can’t wait to find out! My little girl should be here in 2-3 weeks too!
I think you’re having a little girl!
Boy! Good luck!
I’m guessing a boy! But either way, congratulations!!! Having a baby was one of the most amazing experiences for me and I know you’re in for lots of joy 😃
I think it’s a boy!
I think it’s a girl based on how Maria is carrying. Three co-workers, within the last few years have been pregnant and I’ve correctly predicted the genders of these little ones. Blessings to you both!!!
I guess a girl🎀
My guess is boy!!
I’m guessing a boy! :)
I think it’s a girl!
I think girl!
I guess a boy! Thinking good thoughts for an uncomplicated delivery and quick recovery!
I’m guessing a girl!
My guess is boy! Enjoy your last few days a family of two.
Girl! :) Not sure why….I just think girl. For one of my kids not even the ultrasound helped identify the gender. One ultrasound thought girl…one thought boy. (This was before 3D). Enjoy the time! We will all be checking Instagram madly to know when Baby Gavin arrives.
I’m guessing girl!
I’m guessing a boy! Good luck!
I’m guessing Boy!
I’m going to go with BOY!
I think girl!
I am going to predict a sweet little girl!
I’m guessing girl–I just took all of those tests a month ago and mine said boy too, and I have a beautiful baby girl :) it has been so fun to follow your pregnancy–our babies will be just a few weeks apart!
I think it’s a boy!
Baby Boy Gavin!! Your belly is just precious!! Congratulations!!
My husband and I chose not to find out the gender of our one and only child before birth, too, and I’ve never regretted it. I will always cherish the memory of the moment the doctor said, “It’s a boy!” after his birth.
My prediction is girl.
I am guessing a girl!
I’m going to say BOY! Congrats!
I’m guessing boy. Look forward to following your continuing story!
I think a boy! My husband and I are having our first baby in early Dec! I love seeing your updates and fashion! Congrats!
I’ll guess BOY 💙
All of Maria’s pregnancy has reminded me of my own and they were both girls! I am guessing girl and that she will be a little late, like mine! Blessings to all three of you! <3
I say girl! Congratulations on either! Exciting times ahead!
I think Maria is going to have a boy! I’ve enjoyed reading your blog. You both will make amazing parents! God Bless! :)
I think your beautiful miracle will be a little girl!
I always seem to be wrong, but my vote was boy even before reading this post!
P.S. I LOVE that you’re not finding out the gender! I’ve always wanted to do that when I have kids (I’ll just have to convince my hubby)! Congrats! Can’t wait to find out!
Following your pregnancy, you seem to be similar to how I’ve experienced it, and I have two boys. So my guess is BOY!
I think it’s a boy! Good luck!!
I’m guessing a boy! Congrats!
I think girl! We didn’t find out the gender of our baby either. I though for sure I was having a girl. I’m currently holding my baby BOY 😊. It’s such a fun surprise!!
I think it’s a boy! Congratulations and good luck on a smooth delivery!
We didn’t find out the sex with either of our babies. It’s funny how rare it is to wait until the birth to find out. I’m guessing girl.
My guess is for a boy!!
I am going to guess it’s a girl. <3
I’m going to guess you’re having a girl. Congrats to you both and many blessings for your family.
I say girl. And good for you for doing things the “old fashioned” way!
I think it will be a girl.
Maybe since you said it was a girl for carrying like a basketball AND watermelon in the first predictor paragraph, you’re having a girl!
I loved reading this! I think it’s going to be a girl. Either way, I can’t wait to meet the new baby ❤️
My guess is for a girl. I am so excited for your sweet little one to arrive!
I’m guessing it’s a girl! Congrats to you both! <3
Definitely a girl!
I’ll guess boy like I’m having in just a few more weeks. 😊👶🏻💙
I think it’s a girl! 👶🏻🎀
Girl! Good luck!
I think your baby is a girl.
I’m guessing girl!
I think Baby Gavin is a girl!
I say boy! The Chinese calendar is very accurate, in a weird way.
I am guessing boy!
I think it’s a boy!
I think you’re having a girl!!! I love all your photos! Congratulations and best wishes for a safe and healthy delivery!
From a mommy of 3 little boys, I will guess GIRL! I don’t like guessing, I’m really just excited for both of you!!
I think it’s a BOY!!! Feel good and good luck!! :)
I think it’s a girl!
I think you’re having a boy!! Love all the updates and photos! Wishing you a safe and healthy delivery.
It’s a girl! 🌸🌷🌸🦄👛👨👩👧🌈❤️🎀
I think it’s going to be a girl! You look radiant! You’re in the home stretch, hang in there.
Boy, the heartbeat is close to both of my boys!
I’m guessing girl since you accidentally (I’m guessing?) said: “One old wive’s tale says that if the mom is carrying high (like a basketball sticking straight out), then it’s a girl. If the baby is carrying low (like a watermelon), then it’s a girl.” So I think GIRL! Haha! (kinda mentioning it to give you a heads up if you want to edit it, but hey- maybe it’s a sign! ;) ) .
Camp boy?
I’m guessing a girl! Congratulations, and Maria, I love that dress!
I’m guessing a boy!
Definitely a girl!
Girl! 💗👶🏼
I think it’s a boy. 👪
I’m thinking girl! ❤️
I’m guessing boy!
My mom carried my sister low and my brother high. She carried me high too so they automatically thought boy! I’m going with boy though. :) Good luck and God Bless!!
I think it’s a girl.
My guess is boy! 💙
I’be thought girl since you first announced! 🎀 Wishing you a safe and easy labor!
I’m guessing girl! I was surprised with my first and really liked waiting til the delivery room to find out :)
I am guessing a girl.
I’m totally saying a girl. Heart rate was correct with both of my kids, as well as how I was carrying. I was also told that the shape of the baby’s head can tell you one way or the other. If the head is rounded, it’s a boy. If it’s more oblong, then it’s a girl. This was also true for my children. Either way, they are such a blessing and so much fun!
I also believe you will have a baby boy!
I vote for girl. I’m going against the odds, but I just have a feeling. Best of luck to you both, I love your blog!
I’m guessing a girl! Wishing you all the best!
I think you’re having a boy!!! I’m having one too and also love teaching kindergarten!!! Go team boy!!!!
Totally a girl and little girls are the BEST – if you ask me! 😉
Team Boy! 👶🏻💙
I had two different pregnancies but the same sex both times. Lots of those above indicators would have come up wrong for me. Never can tell for sure! I think she’s having…a baby! Enjoy this last bit of anticipation (as much as one can in this state) before baby arrives!
I’m guessing boy!! 💙 Either way, that’s one lucky and loved baby!! 💜💜
I think Baby Gavin will be a boy. I carried high with both of my boys up until my due date. I wish you a short labor!!
It’s definitely a boy! :)
I’m thinking girl! I love that you didn’t find out! We didn’t for our first and it was such an amazing experience finding out as she was born. Best wishes to you in the coming weeks!
I’m going to say it’s a girl!
I’m guessing a sweet baby boy!
I guess boy!
I think it’s a boy!
I’ve always heard “basketball” means boy…and it did for me, so I’m going with boy!
I think girl!
I’m guessing girl! :)
I’m guessing a girl💗!
This was super fun to read! I will be very interested to see if the wives tale prediction matches the sex of the baby. I’ll go with the “highly scientific” prediction and guess it’s a boy.
I think it is a girl!! Best wishes!
I’m guessing girl!
I’m thinking girl! I was sure I was having a boy cause the heartbeat was slow but I got my girl! So I know that one doesn’t hold true. Fun post! Congratulations and hope for a healthy baby no matter what gender!
Congrats! I think you are having a girl, no reason, just a guy feeling. Keeping the sex of the baby a surprise is a fun and a challenge at the same time. We had a surprise with our first, a boy. We found out with our second, another boy. And we are keeping our third a surprise. I am just a few months behind you and am high risk, so I get about 30 ultrasounds a pregnancy. I always have to announce that we don’t know as soon as I see the sonographer. I wish you a speedy and easy delivery.
*gut feeling*
I think boy! I pray you have an easy (or as easy as it can get!) labor!
I think boy. Congratulations!
I think it’s a boy! :) God Bless you and your family!
I think it’s a boy. So exciting either way! Congrats!
I think it is a girl!! Praying for an easy delivery!!
I think it’s a boy! Best wishes!
I say BOY just because I think boys are the best💙💙💙 (I may be a little biased though😉)
Love this post and wish I could have read it when I was pregnant! Super cute and love the photos!
My guess, as I believe I told Maria at the last Tuesday’s Together… your baby is a BOY! 💙😉
I think girl!
My guess is a boy!
I’m going for a boy on this one. Good luck to all when the big day arrives!
I’m guessing you will have a girl!
I’m going with boy . Because of how beautiful Maria is also the way she’s carrying also looks like a boy
I am thinking a boy. I have felt that way for a while now with Maria. I know you will be delighted with whatever God has blessed you with though!
I’d say you are having a boy (from the way you are carrying) but another way someone told me that you can tell is how fast your hair on your legs grows-fast=boy, slow =girl! This is something I can’t tell but might be another way-lol!! We didn’t find out about our babies bc we felt (and it was true) that it is one of the last rare true joys we have in this day and age! You’ll will do wonderful with whatever God gives you! Blessings!
I have two children, didn’t know the gender with either. Both times went into delivery thinking boy because of my “intuition” and others telling me so. I have two daughters. :).
Best wishes, I think you’re having a girl!
I’m voting BOY 💙
Girl 💗
I’m guessing boy! Can’t wait to see pics of the healthy baby!
I think it’s going to be a girl! Congratulations!
I’m guessing girl! Either way, congratulations on your sweet one!!
Baby Boy!
A beautiful little girl 💗 is my vote! So excited for you both!
My guess is a boy!
Count me on Team Pink! 👶🎀💝
Baby boy!
My am going with boy! Either way, congratulations!
Maria looks lovely. My guess based on her “bump” is a BOY. Blessings to you all!
I think it will be a boy.
My guess is a girl.
I wish you all the best on the birth of your baby! I’m gonna say it’s a girl! 😊
I’m guessing a sweet baby GIRL!
Best wishes to you!! I think it is a baby girl! :)
Girl! Best wishes!
I’m going to be on Team Girl. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy and kudos to you both for wanting to be surprised.
I think the baby is a girl. Best of luck!
I think a beautiful baby boy! God Bless.
I think it’s a girl! You look so cute pregnant!
It’s a girl 💕
I think it will be a girl! :)
I think it’s a boy. I wish you the best!
I’ll guess girl!
Girl! 💜💜
I will guess a girl!
I guess a boy! God bless you and your family.
I say girl! Maria, you are beautiful and no matter what your baby will be gorgeous.
I am thinking a girl!
Healthy baby!!!!! I would guess a boy♡♡ I am guessing July 13 or July 18.♡
I am guessing that it’s a girl.
I am guessing a boy :)
Love the pictures and am excited for you both! Looking forward to seeing your first post after Baby Gavin arrives. I’m guessing GIRL.
I LOVE that you are waiting to find out if it is a boy or a girl! I’ve always thought that it is the best surprise! I think you are having a boy! Congratulations either way!
Maria, you look darling! Love your dress and you certainly have the baby GIRL glow about you. So my vote is a sweet baby girl.
Team Boy! He’ll be here by this weekend…. Thinking Saturday!
I had boy/girl twins and their heartbeats took turn being higher. I’m 100% on my predictions for the last 5 years with my friends’ pregnancies, and even had a feeling what mine were, so prepare for a GIRL! ;)
I’m thinking you two are going to have a boy. When I think back about 6yrs ago, my husband & I also tried the old wives tales & they all pointed to a girl (our 1st born was a boy) it turned out we had a beautiful healthy little boy & best buddy to our oldest! I’m soo happy & excited for you two & cannot wait to hear your wonderful news of your child’s birthday!
My vote is boy! Congrats!!!!
My vote goes for a girl :) Congrats and I hope you have a safe and uneventful delivery!
I’m voting boy. Either way you are truly blessed! I’ve loved following your journey. Wish you both the best!
I think that you are having a girl. But either one will be a blessing. Congrats to both of you!
I think it’s a girl! I’ve really enjoyed following your pregnancy – I was due the day before you, but my little man came 12 days early. ❤️ Wishing you all the best!
My guess is going to be a boy – strictly on the way I have always predicted she is carrying it. This was such a fun post, as I had never heard about most of those “signs” before. Can’t wait to find out! I love it when couples wait to find out the gender of their baby. It adds so much more excitement to it.
I’m going to guess boy! The ring trick has been pretty fool-proof for my friends, but we’ll see!! :) Also, I love Maria’s dress!! She looks so beautiful.
I think Baby Gavin will be a boy!
I think Baby Gavin will be a boy
I am guessing a boy! Wishing Maria an easy delivery and sending you early congratulations on the arrival of Baby Gavin!
I predict a girl! My last was a little girl and I was sick all the time! Even into the 3rd trimester! Good luck and CONGRATS!
My prediction is it is a boy. Best of luck to your family and congrats!
I’m thinking girl! Congratulations!!
I think it is a girl, congrats!
I think a girl. Just a few more days!
I think you have a little boy.:) Blessings to you.
My guess is girl
My guess is boy!
Too fun! I think girl :)
Grace says boy so I’ll go with that. Can’t wait to find out! 💙
Girl! Congrats!
I think a girl!
I’m guessing boy! What a sweet blessing either way though. How exciting to wait and find out. Blessings for a safe and healthy baby and an easy delivery!
Your bump looks like mine, so I’m guessing boy!
I’ll vote boy. 👶🏻
I vote for team boy! But no matter what the gender it is going to be a blessed baby and you are going to be amazing parents! ❤️
I’ve never been good at guessing the sex of a baby – but I will say Boy.
Congratulations and good luck. Can’t wait to hear whether it is boy or girl.
I think it is a boy!
I am guessing baby boy! Happy for both of you. Nothing exciting as a new little one!
I think it’s a boy!!
I say girl!!
I think it’s a girl! A lot of the old wives tales would have indicated boy for me as well and we had a sweet girl a year ago! Can’t wait to find out!!! Good luck guys!! <3
My guess is a boy!
I didn’t find out for either of my babies, and I have one of each. I didn’t notice many differences in the pregnancies and I think those old wives’ tales are just that…old stories! But I will say, my best friend has had six children and swears by predicting gender but he baby’s heartbeat….so who knows ha!
I think you’re having a girl!
I’m guessing it’s a girl!
My guess is that Baby Gavin is a boy. But my hope & wish is that Baby Gavin is healthy and his/her Mom, too. Excited for you to meet your little one. :-)
I think you all will have a baby boy!! :)
I guess boy!