NOTE: This post was originally published in July, 2017 while I was pregnant with my now two-year-old daughter, Dessa. I am not currently pregnant, but I recall the frustration of trying to find maternity dresses for weddings, formal events and other special occasions. I know that … [Read more...]
September Stitch Fix Maternity Review
Here we are, 8 months into this pregnancy and with a brand new Stitch Fix maternity review. The heat has had me in such a rut with my current maternity wardrobe, I was desperate to try on something fresh and different from the same five t-shirts and three bottoms I've been … [Read more...]
Hello, Gestational Diabetes: 34 Week Bump Update
My oh my, where has all the time gone during this pregnancy? Chasing around a very active toddler certainly makes the time fly by extra fast. Somehow, I'm already 34 weeks along and although there are so many similarities between my first pregnancy with Dessa and this experience, … [Read more...]
My Most Expensive Trunk Club Review
This month's review is a fun one! It has been a few months since I used Trunk Club and I wanted to see how well they handled a maternity Trunk now that I'm 7 months pregnant. Usually, when I order a Trunk, I hold back and reject any items in my preview that are priced too high to … [Read more...]
My Stitch Fix Maternity Shipment that was Nearly a 5/5
Sometimes you just get a stylist who nails it out of the park and that's exactly what happened with my Stitch Fix Maternity box this month. My stylist consistently tries her best to send items that she thinks I will love, but I am a very picky shopper and I don't blame her a bit … [Read more...]
Celebrating Mother’s Day with a Maternity Stitch Fix Review + $300 Stitch Fix giveaway
With our second baby on the way, I honestly don't know what I was more excited about: finally sharing the news of Baby Gavin with all of you, or writing a new Maternity Stitch Fix review for the blog! I received monthly maternity shipments from Stitch Fix while I was pregnant … [Read more...]
My 13 Favorite Stitch Fix Maternity Items
This post contains affiliate links. We receive a small commission each time someone makes a purchase though one of our links, which helps to support the blog (and our growing family.) My little peanut, Dessa Marie, has finally arrived and I'm enjoying a few quiet weeks of baby … [Read more...]
My Nine Month Maternity Fix Stitch Fix Review #50
Well, here we are. Nine days before my due date and I have my final Stitch Fix maternity review to share with you. I think my stylist, Kate, saved the best for last because there were some really beautiful items in my maternity fix this month. (If you love the color blue, you are … [Read more...]
37 Week Bump Update + Maternity Photos
It's hard to believe that Rob and I will meet the newest addition to our family in just a few short weeks. This last phase of the pregnancy has been incredibly busy and we are finally tackling the final items on our baby to-do list. I'm excited to share my 37 week bump update. … [Read more...]