His & Her Amazon Essentials Fall Try-On
By Maria Gavin Leave a Comment
I know it's been a hot minute since we had a chance to share new content on the blog. I actually set out to write this post at the end of September and got caught up in the craziness of Harvey's birthday, Halloween prep, and a mountain of things needing my attention over at Kinder Craze. It took a month, but I'm thrilled to finally be tapping away at my keyboard to share a new blog post here with you. My latest style review is a fun one because it features clothes for Rob and me from a place … [Read More...]
Our Homes Past & Present
Kitchen, Bathroom, and Hallway Update
Welcome back for the second installment of our updated home tour. We’ve been busy saving our pennies and slowly updating each room in the house with new furniture and accessories as our budget and needs allow. Last week I shared a tour of the progress we’ve made in our living and dining rooms. Come on […]
Easy As Pie Laundry Room Organization
I’m not sure why laundry rooms always seem to be the random gathering place of miscellaneous stuff, but I do know that the stuff can get out of control in a hurry. Rob and I had that problem too. I spent an afternoon establishing a plan for our laundry room organization, investing in some storage bins, […]
Our Repurposed Home Office Corner
Now that I am a newlywed, people are always asking, “So, how’s married life?” My response is always the same: It’s a lot calmer than being engaged. And I like it. With the wedding three months behind us, Rob and I have a chance to shift our attention back to other things … like turning […]
1920’s Master Bedroom and Nursery Update
I am so excited to welcome you back into our home for the third installment of our house update. This week’s update is all about the bedrooms – our master bedroom and Dessa’s nursery. You may recall that both of the downstairs bedrooms in our house had three doors – a standard entrance door, a […]
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My First Wantable Style Edit Review in 2 Years
Hello and welcome back for a brand new Wantable Style Edit review! I knew it had been a while since I ordered a Style Edit to share with you on the blog, but I had no idea just how long it had been. I … [Read More...]
Doing Our Best to Spread Hope, Not COVID
Special thanks to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services for sponsoring today's post. It has been a long ten months and, like you, our family is ready for a break from COVID. We … [Read More...]
How We Got Our Baby and Toddler to Share a Bedroom
It took us until Harvey was over a year old, but we have finally gotten our kids to successfully share a room! It's funny because when we started this process last spring, we had a baby and a toddler … [Read More...]
Amazon Fashion Activewear Try-On and Review
I've officially been working out, eating better, and embracing a healthier lifestyle for over six weeks. Things are going fairly well, but the daily workouts have highlighted my need to add more … [Read More...]
Trunk Club Activewear Try-On and Review
If you've stopped by the blog recently or follow Crazy Together on Facebook or Instagram, you probably already know that I've been working really hard to make healthier lifestyle choices. I started my … [Read More...]
How I’m Getting Back in Shape
I would guess that most people have a number on the scale that causes them to feel a sense of dread as they slowly see themselves approaching that number. No, the number doesn't define our worth, but … [Read More...]
How Harvey James Got His Name
I still can't believe Harvey already has two Christmases under his belt. The time with him as a baby flew by even faster than it did with Dessa, and now he's a full-fledged toddler walking all over … [Read More...]
Practical Last-Minute Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Toddlers and Preschoolers
Christmas is literally a few days away and the pressure is on to buy those last-minute gifts and get them wrapped in time. I still have a few items on my Christmas shopping list that I need to … [Read More...]
My First Ever Wantable Active Edit Try-On + Review
I'm baaaaack with another style box review and this time I decided to try my first-ever Active Edit from Wantable. You may recall that I've shared a few Style Edit try-ons from Wantable on the blog, … [Read More...]