Maria and I were having dinner the other night and were, as we often do, sharing stories from our day. One story got us wondering about our future as parents. Specifically, which one of us will be the "mean parent"? You know, the disciplinarian that keeps the kids in line. The … [Read more...]
Our Family Is Growing!
Rob and I are overjoyed to finally share the good news that our little family is growing. We've been bursting with excitement over here since early November and it has been so difficult to keep our little secret. Especially these past few weeks, when I've had to get creative with … [Read more...]
Merry Christmas from the Gavins
As we prepare to join our family and friends for a stream of holiday celebrations, we wanted to pause for a moment and wish you the warmest Christmas tidings. It has been quite a year in the Gavin household and we have so much to be thankful for this Christmas. From the … [Read more...]
Can We Please Talk about the New Gilmore Girls Trailer?
I've contained my excitement for the upcoming Netflix release of Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life for long enough. I thought I was doing a pretty good job of holding it all in - until today. The world got it's first peek of footage from the show's reboot in the Gilmore Girls … [Read more...]
Visiting the Stitch Fix Photo Studio Tastemakers Event Day 2
After such an exhilarating first day visiting the Stitch Fix offices and warehouse in San Francisco with twelve other bloggers and online influencers, I was so excited for a day of inspiration and creativity at the Stitch Fix photo studios. The hosts of our trip set the bar … [Read more...]
My Trip to Stitch Fix Headquarters in San Francisco
I am constantly amazed at the extraordinary opportunities that come my way as a result of my two blogs and my most recent adventure certainly takes the cake. Stitch Fix actually invited me to their recent Tastemakers event, which was hosted at their headquarters in San Francisco. … [Read more...]
At Home and On the Town with Stitch Fix Men
After the craziness of our move, unpacking and the start of Maria's school year, we are finally, finally, getting back a day-to-day routine. You know so much already about Maria: her typical day, her personal style (yeah, she loves her clothes), even taste in home decor. I'm … [Read more...]
Reflecting Back on Our First Home
Well, we did it. We packed up and cleaned every square inch of the condo, our first home, and moved into our new little bungalow. Our first night at the condo will be one of those stories we will never, ever forget. We had just gotten the keys and stopped by to see our … [Read more...]
#Gavinsonthemove: An Update
We have exciting news from the Gavin home front … we're moving to a new home! After a wonderful year of living in the little condo that has served as our first home, the time has come for us to step forward into a new nest. We are so excited to tell you all about it (and probably … [Read more...]