Stitch Fix #18 already? Wow, it has been longer than I realized since I ordered my first shipment from Stitch Fix Men. And it has been a really long time since I posted about one of my fixes. The last post was in October of 2016; that’s almost two years! Since it has been that long, why don’t we stop in and see what my stylist sent from Stitch Fix Men this time around. Especially since this particular fix was one of the best I’ve ever gotten. And, on top of that, Stitch Fix recently announced that they are expanding Stitch Fix Men in three really cool ways to better suit the needs of all the men in your life. I’m telling you, Stitch Fix just keeps getting better and better.
This post has affiliate links. If you click a link and make a purchase, we receive a small commission that helps support our little family. Maria and I only ever blog about things we truly love, like Stitch Fix. We hope you enjoy today’s post!
A Little About Stitch Fix
If you haven’t tried Stitch Fix before, let me give you a brief run down of how it works. Stitch Fix is a new way to do your clothes shopping. Instead of having to go to the store (and I have always tried to avoid that as much as possible), you can have Stitch Fix send you clothes to try on at home. Buy what you like, send back what you don’t and enjoy free shipping and returns. It’s that simple.
Stitch Fix originally started out focusing only on women, but they now carry clothes for men (Stitch Fix Men) and kids (Stitch Fix Kids), so you can clothe your whole family through one service. And just recently, Stitch Fix announced three major expansions to Stitch Fix Men. First, they now carry big and tall sizes. Men’s sizes will now go up to 3XL, 48 inch waists and 36 inch inseams. All of which means even more people can see how great Stitch Fix can be.
Second is the addition of Extras for Men. With Extras for Men, you can add on extra items to your fix in addition to your five styled items. You can add on undershirts, socks, and underwear from five different brands. All you need to do is log in to the Stitch Fix website, add in the extras you want to your next scheduled fix, and they’ll come along with your five styled items. If you keep any of your extras, your $20 styling fee counts towards that purchase. What a great way to stock up on those needed unmentionables.
Last, but certainly not least, Stitch Fix now carries athletic wear for men. So not only can you get casual and dressier clothes, you can also have Stitch Fix send you clothes for hiking, biking, and hitting the gym.
Interested in getting started? All you have to do is fill out a free Style Profile, which asks questions about your sizes, your day-to-day activities, and what type of clothes you prefer. Once that is complete, you can go ahead and order your first fix! You pay a simple $20 styling fee when your order your fix, but that $20 is deducted from the cost of any clothes you keep. You can order your fixes when you like, or have them come on a set schedule (every 2-3 weeks, once a month, every other month, or every three months). I have mine come every three months (which also explains why I’m only fix number 18 when I’ve been subscribing to Stitch Fix since 2016).
If you or a family member need some new clothes for your fall wardrobe, click the banner below to give Stitch Fix a try. I’d love to hear what you think.
Ok, that’s enough about how Stitch Fix works. Let’s take a look at what my stylist sent me! I think you’ll like it; it was a really good fix.
Robert Performance Polo
First up is the Robert Performance Polo by Fairlane ($48). You would think I wear a lot of polos, but I really don’t. I probably have three that I wear on a somewhat regular basis, but I usually prefer button down shirts.
This shirt fit the bill of a good polo. It had a nice cut and the sleeves were a good length. One of my biggest pet peeves with some more modern cuts of polo shirts is that the polo sleeves are shorter than my undershirt sleeves. I hate seeing that undershirt sleeve poking out from my polo sleeve, but it wasn’t an issue with this shirt at all.
Despite liking the cut of the Robert Performance Polo (and the pretty sweet name, if I say so myself), I decided to send it back to Stitch Fix Men. I just wasn’t sure I’d wear it often enough and I only had the budget for two items from this Fix.
Modern Stretch Oxford
Next up, I tried on the Modern Stretch Oxford by Hawker Rye ($64). As I mentioned, I tend to wear more button downs, so this was already right up my alley.
I liked this shirt a lot. It fit nice, the sleeves were a good length, and I liked the color. But there were two other items in this Fix that I liked even more, so (reluctantly) the Modern Stretch Oxford went back to Stitch Fix Men.
Journey Straight Fit Stretch Chino
Along with the Modern Stretch Oxford, I tried on the Journey Straight Fit Stretch Chino by 7 Diamonds ($74). I also wore my Terrance Textured Chukka Boots from Toms that I got in my 11th Fix in January 2017. I love those boots; they got me hooked on Toms. I now own three pairs of Toms.
The pants were just fine (I love pants that have some stretch to them, especially jeans) and I actually could use some chinos, but I knew right away that I would not be keeping these pants. How did I know that? The color.
Not that I have anything against olive itself. It’s just that olive pants will always and forever in my mind be linked with only one thing: Boy Scouts.
Yes, that’s me as a Boy Scout. This photo dates from 2002, so I was already in college at that point, but still very active in Scouts. And don’t get me wrong: I am quite proud of my experience in Scouting. I loved every minute of it and some of my closest, longest-lasting friendships came from Boy Scouts. But putting on a pair of olive pants makes me feel like I’m heading out to camp for the weekend. Which is why I know I will never wear olive pants. So, back to Stitch Fix Men went the Journey Straight Fit Stretch Chinos.
Essential Wash Stretch Shirt
Next up was the Essential Wash Stretch Shirt by Hawker Rye ($64). I love the Essential Wash shirts from Hawker Rye. They look good, wash well, and are great staples for my wardrobe. Stitch Fix Men has sent me a few of them and chances are pretty good I’ll keep them. And this one was off to a good start.
Along with the Essential Wash Stretch Shirt, I wore my Zach Straight Leg Jeans from Mavi that I got way back in my 2nd fix (probably my favorite pair of jeans ever) and a new pair of Toms (more on those in a minute). The paperwork from Stitch Fix Men said this shirt was red, but it looks more pink to me. Either way, I loved it.
The Essential Wash Stretch Shirt fit great, was in a color I didn’t already have, and looked good on me. This one was a keeper.
Ash Aviator Lace-Up Brogue
And last, but certainly not least, Stitch Fix Men sent me some shoes. Specifically, they sent me the Ash Aviator Lace-Up Brogues by Toms ($100). I took one look at these shoes and knew I wanted them.
It wasn’t really a hard decision, either. I already owned two pairs of Toms: the brown Chukka boots from earlier in this post and a very similar pair of brogues, just in a blue chambray instead of the twill of the Ash Aviator Lace-up Brogues (if I could find something similar to link for the blue chambray shoes, I totally would). I already knew the Ash Aviators would be comfortable, fit great, and complement my wardrobe in a new way. I was sold.
Let’s Sum This Up
This was a great fix. There were two shirts I loved, one shirt that was pretty good, a pair of pants that (except for the color) would have been great, and my current favorite pair of shoes. So let’s recap what I kept and what I sent back to Stitch Fix Men:
Robert Performance Polo by Fairlane ($48) – return
Modern Stretch Oxford by Hawker Rye ($64) – return
Journey Straight Fit Stretch Chino by 7 Diamonds ($74) – return
Essential Wash Stretch Shirt by Hawker Rye ($64) – KEEP
Ash Aviator Lace-Up Brogues by Toms ($100) – KEEP
All in all, I think it was a great fix and I love how simple Stitch Fix Men makes the shopping process. I’m already looking forward to my my next fix!
Hi Rob, You had some Really Great choices this time. I hated it that you sent back the Modern Stretch button down Gray? shirt and the slacks with them. You just looked so Handsome in that set. They both really set off such an Attractive Look for you. But, I guess you know what you feel is best for you.
Yeah, the gray shirt was really nice, but we only have so much money, haha! Thank you!