No two days in the Gavin house are ever exactly the same, but I thought it would be fun to share a typical day in the life of our 19 month old daughter, Dessa. I kept a pen and paper by my side so I could record every snack break, meltdown, doggie snuggle and everything else in between. I hope this post brings a smile to your face and sheds a little glimpse into our days at home together.
7:55AM: I’m awake now and waiting for someone to come get me. I must have finally cried loud enough because here comes Mommy! She’s wrapping her arms around me and I’m pointing to the chair so she knows where to go. I just want to snuggle up with Mommy and sing a few of my favorite songs.
8:00AM: I had a very full diaper so Mommy laid me down to change me. She gave me my lamb to play with and it’s fun to snuggle my stuffed friend while she works. All done! Mommy worked really fast, and I’m happy that she’s done.
8:06AM: I ran into the living room and found my giant purple ball to play. This will be fun to play with while Mommy makes my breakfast.
8:10AM: Breakfast still isn’t ready, but that’s ok. I opened one of the kitchen cabinets and found my strainer. I love that strainer.
8:12AM: Still no breakfast. Mommy said my oatmeal needed more time to cool, but I am really hungry so I opened up one of the tall doors that hides all the food and got the box of Kix. They are my favorite! Then I went back to my favorite cabinet and got a silver bowl to hold my Kix. Mommy gave me a spoon to mix with, but I’m really hungry so I’ll just use the spoon to eat my cereal.
8:14AM: Kix taste so good and I love this big silver bowl!
8:22AM: Breakfast must be almost ready, because Mommy asked me to put my ball away. I really want to eat breakfast, so I’ll put the ball away really fast.
8:23AM: Mommy strapped me in my high chair and I was so happy to know I was going to eat soon that I just had to sing a song. Right now I’m singing “Happy Birthday” to Mommy while she buckles me in.
8:24AM: Still no oatmeal, but mommy did give me a piece of toast with butter. The toast is ok, but I really like the butter. I think I’ll just lick off the butter and leave the toast for Mommy.
8:27AM: Yay! Oatmeal with blueberries – my favorite!
8:37AM: I ate all of my oatmeal and Mommy sees that I’m done. I don’t know why she won’t stop cleaning up the kitchen and just come help me. This is so boring and I want to get down!
8:41AM: Now she’s wiping my hands and face! This is the worst thing ever! Oh good, I’m finally free.
8:45AM: Mommy, here’s my silver bowl. Please put more Kix in it for me.
8:48AM: My mommy is so mean! She won’t let me take my bowl of Kix into the living room! It’s not fair!
8:52AM: I can tell that Mommy really wants to change my diaper and helped me get dressed for the day, but I just want her to chase me. Maybe if I keep running, she won’t be able to catch me. Wait, Mommy, I don’t want to have my diaper changed. This is the worst thing ever!
9:00AM: I guess it’s not that bad to be dressed for the day. After all, I did get to put on my favorite boots. Now, could I have some more Kix, please?
9:10AM: Mommy said we were going to take a walk, and I don’t know why we are still at home. I’m all bundled up and ready to go and Mommy keeps running around putting things in a bag for our walk. I want to go right now! This is the worst thing ever!
9:27AM: We are finally outside, I am in the stroller and ready to go! Why is Mommy taking another photo of me? I just want to go right now!
9:28AM: Oh wait, we are finally going on that walk. Yay! I hope we see some doggies.
9:40AM: Walking is fun, but I see the playground and want to go play so badly. I’m not sure if Mommy knows. Maybe if I kick my feet, point to it, and shout “play!” she will know what I want and take me over there so I can go on the slide.
9:41AM: Yay! Mommy is letting me go play and my friend is at the playground too! We are having so much fun climbing the steps to play on the slide over and over again. My friend might not know what to do, so she needs my expert advice. I am helping her by pointing to where she needs to sit so we can both go down the slide. It’s a good thing I’m here to point for her, otherwise I don’t think she would know what to do.
10:05AM: The slide was so much fun! Mommy asked me if I wanted to go play on the swings and that sounds even better than the slide! I know right where they are so I am going to start walking by myself. Mommy caught up to me really fast though (I wonder how she always does that) that and reminded me to stay on the sidewalk on the way to the swings.
10:07AM: Yay! I love sitting on the swing while my Mommy pushes me. I haven’t had a chance to swing in so long because Mommy says it has been too cold outside. I’m so happy!
10:15AM: Hmm … something small and wet and splashy keeps falling on my face and Mommy doesn’t look very happy about it. She is talking to her friend and keeps saying “rain”. I don’t know what that is, but I don’t care because I’m having so much fun on the swing.
10:17AM: Noooooooo! Mommy took me out of the swing and put me back in the stroller. My face is kinda wet and I just want to go back and play on the swing. I kicked my legs and screamed, but it didn’t do any good. I am trapped and it is the worst thing ever!
10:31AM: We are back at home and water isn’t falling on my face anymore. Mommy put the stroller in her van and walked in a big puddle of water. She started stomping her feet and splashing and it looked so fun. She told me to try, but I’m not so sure. I think I’ll just stand still and look at the water.
10:34AM: Wait, I was wrong. This is really fun! And if I stomp my feet really hard it makes a really big splash. I like this!
10:35AM: Mommy asked if I wanted to take a bath! Yes, I do! Let’s go in the house really fast so I can get in the tub!
10:38AM: I am so excited and my job is to get the toys ready for my bath. I don’t play with them very much once I’m in the tub, but I’m really good at throwing them all in the water.
10:50AM: It took Mommy a while to get everything put away and ready for the bath, but I didn’t mind because I chased her while she worked. Mommy told me I was a good girl for being so patient, then she put me in the tub.
11:00AM: I never get to take a bath this early in the day and it is so much fun. Mommy has been trying for so long to put that weird hat on my head when I’m in the tub and saying it will make me happy so my face doesn’t get wet, but I don’t like the hat and I always pull it off right away. I was having so much fun this time, that I didn’t pay attention when she put it on this time and she was right. My face does stay dry and it’s actually really fun to watch the water fall in front of my face. I like trying to catch the water in one of my bath cups.
11:07AM: I’m still in the tub, but the water is all gone. I like playing with the whale on the faucet so Mommy let me stay in the tub to play while she dried me off. The only problem was that I had to go potty and I couldn’t hold it anymore. I don’t think Mommy was very happy about that because she made a sad breathing sound and washed my legs and bottom, then she dried me off really fast and put a diaper on before I had a chance to go potty again.
11:20AM: I’m all clean, dressed and my hair is combed and now it’s time to pick out stories. Mommy hasn’t come into my nursery yet, but I have a surprise for her. I’m going to put all of my books on the chair for Mommy to read to me. I love reading stories and Mommy will think it is so funny to see all of the books stacked up for her to read.
11:28AM: I helped Mommy put most of the books away and we saved a few to read before my nap. Mommy really wants to trim my toenails before we read and I don’t like having my nails clipped at all. But she’s being very gentle and told me to watch while she clips. It’s actually kind of neat to watch! Now Mommy wants to trim my fingernails too. I let her clip three of them, but I still don’t like it at all, so I’m going to kick and whine until she stops.
11:29AM: My plan worked! Mommy stopped clipping my nails and said we can finish another time. Now I just get to snuggle and rock with Mommy while she reads stories to me.
11:45AM: I gave Mommy snuggles and she counted “1, 2, 3” before she put me in the crib. We kissed through the bars and I blew Mommy one last kiss goodbye before she closed the door to my room. I’m laying on my tummy my favorite corner of the crib. It’s pretty cozy in here, but I’m just going to sing Happy Birthday so I don’t fall asleep.
11:50AM: I’m just going to close my eyes for a quick minute …
1:01PM: Uh oh, I guess I fell asleep and I am not happy about it. I’m going to stand here and cry until Mommy comes in to get me. Here she comes. Mommy always gives me a big hug whenever she gets me out of my crib. I usually want to get down right away, but my mouse toy is on the shelf and I want to play with it. Oh good, Mommy just gave it to me.
1:05PM: I just love playing with my mouse! She’s so much fun to squeeze and dance around with and she’s really good at sitting up like a real person. Come on Mouse, let’s go for a walk around the house!
1:07PM: Oh, look – it’s DOG! Let’s go in the kitchen, Dog, and see what we find.
1:08PM: Mommy’s making lunch for me and she put my bib on while I play with Dog so that I’ll be ready to eat as soon as she is done getting it ready.
1:09PM: Oh, look – the recycle bin! It always has fun treasures inside. These containers are so much fun to play with. I’m feeling kind of hungry. Maybe chewing on these containers will help.
1:13PM: Mmmm … leftover pizza is my favorite.
1:42PM: My tummy is finally all filled up. I was really hungry and Mommy had to keep looking in the refrigerator for more food for me. I ate pizza, hummus, crackers, and broccoli and it was all so yummy!
1:45PM: Mommy says we forgot to brush my teeth this morning so we have to brush them now, which is ok with me because I love my special toothpaste! I just want to suck all the water and toothpaste out of my brush, but Mommy keeps telling me that I need to move the brush around on my teeth.
1:50PM: Oh, look – my dog! I just love him so much.
1:57PM: Oh, look – my drawing pad! It’s so much fun to draw a picture and then make it go away. I could do this all day.
2:04PM: Oh, look – blocks! I love building with my blocks and it’s even more fun when Mommy counts every time I add another block to my tower. My tower just fell down and it is so funny!
2:10PM: I’m all done playing with my blocks and Mommy keeps asking me to clean them up, but that doesn’t sound like fun. I think I’ll just stand here and stare at the blocks for a little while.
2:12PM: I wonder if there are any new treasures in the recycle bin. I should go check.
2:13PM: Wow, I am thirsty. Time for a quick water break!
1:13PM: All of this water is really making me hungry. Maybe if I get one of my yummy fruit pouches out of the pantry, Mommy will let me have a snack.
2:14PM: Mommy said I can’t have a pouch until later and she told me to put it away, but I would rather play with Daddy’s boots.
2:15PM: I guess now I’ll put the pouch away. I like things to go where they belong and since I can’t eat the pouch, I might as well put it away like Mommy asked.
2:16PM: Oh, look – Kix! I love Kix! I’ll get the box out and maybe Mommy will let me eat some.
2:17PM: Mommy said no Kix and put the box away. Maybe there’s something fun to do in the living room.
2:18PM: – I forgot about my blocks. Those look fun.
2:19PM: Ok, I’m done with blocks. Mommy asked me to clean them up, but I don’t want to. It’s much more fun to read some of my books on the sofa.
2:23PM: I’m all done reading books and I wonder if there is anything fun under the sofa. Oh, look a Kix! I’m going to eat that really fast before Mommy can take it away. I wonder if there’s any more Kix under here. I should check.
2:24PM: I don’t see any more Kix and I am so sad! Why isn’t there more food under the sofa?!?!
2:25PM: Mommy said we can go upstairs if I clean up my blocks. I love going upstairs! I’m going to clean up my blocks really fast so that I can go play.
2:43PM: Yay, we are finally upstairs.
2:44PM: I want to have a tea party. My pretend cake and tea cups are on the table. This is how it looks when Mommy pours herself a cup of coffee. It is so much fun to pretend to drink my tea, but it hurts my teeth when I try to bite the cake.
2:49PM: I’m all done playing tea party. I’ll put all the toys away before Mommy has to ask.
2:50PM: Time to play with Mr. Potato Head! I know where to put all of his body parts – even his glasses! It’s kind of tricky to get the glasses to stay on his face. Maybe Mommy can help.
3:04PM: That’s enough Potato Head. Time to play with my princess castle. The toys that go in the castle are so soft and I like to see myself in the tiny little mirror.
3:13PM: Ok, I’m done playing. Time for stories! I don’t need Mommy to read them to me. I just like to sit on her lap while I flip through the pages.
3:22PM: Mommy says it’s time to clean up, then we can go back downstairs. I know right where everything goes, so I’ll put it all away by myself.
3:25PM: I’m a big girl now so I held the railing and Mommy’s hand and walked down the stairs just like Mommy and Daddy do. Sometimes I play on the steps for a long time, but Mommy said I could have a pouch after we came downstairs so I walked down really fast and closed the door behind me.
3:32PM: Yay! Time for a pouch. I know right where they are. I’ll get one all by myself, then take it to Mommy so she can open it for me.
3:33PM: Mmmmm … I’ve been waiting all day to eat my pouch. Mommy gave me some crackers and water, too. I’ll just put my foot up and enjoy my snack.
3:38PM: Oh, look – my dogs! They look like they need some snuggles and snacks. It’s a good thing I’m here, otherwise nobody would ever remember to feed the dogs!
3:47PM: I’m not poopy, but Mommy wants to change my diaper anyway. That’s ok, because it always feels so much better when I get a dry diaper.
3:50PM: Time to read more stories. Mommy was already sitting in the chair, so just picked out four books like usual. It’s so cozy to sit and cuddle with my lamb while Mommy reads me stories.
4:10PM: Mommy just gave me a hug and a kiss, then counted “1, 2, 3” and laid me in my crib. I gave her lots of kisses through the bars before she walked out of the room. I’m kind of sleepy, but I don’t want to take a nap. I’ll just sit and play with my socks instead.
4:20PM: My feet are cold and I want my socks back on! This isn’t fun anymore and I want to get out and play. Mommmmy! I’m so sad. Why aren’t you coming to get me?
4:40PM: Oh good, Mommy is finally here. I’m so sad and my feet are cold and I just want to get out of here. Mommy is giving me a big hug and rocking in the chair, but I don’t want to rock in the chair. I want to get down and play.
4:43PM: Oh good, my dogs! They look sad. I’ll give them a big snuggle until they feel better.
4:45PM: Oh good, my crackers are still here. I’ll just eat a few more to make my tummy happy.
4:47PM: Eating crackers is fun, but it’s even more fun to run and get a cracker, then take it and eat it in my chair, then run to get another cracker, and then sit and eat it in my chair. I wonder why more people don’t eat like this.
5:00PM: Crackers are good, but now my tummy wants some Kix. I’ll go get the box from the kitchen so Mommy knows she should give them to me.
5:04PM: Mmmm … Kix. These things never get old! Mommy is trying to work on her computer, so I’ll just keep her company on the sofa while I eat my cereal.
5:14PM: Oh good, Daddy’s home! I’m so excited to see Daddy and he keeps asking me for hugs and kisses, but it’s a lot more fun to run away from Daddy every time he asks than it is to give him a big hug and a kiss.
5:27PM: Daddy is busy making dinner in the kitchen while Mommy works on her laptop. I’m still feeling silly so I’ve been running back and forth between Daddy to mommy. My snack cup with the Kix in it is over by Mommy, so I visit her to eat a quick bite, then run back to see what Daddy is up to.
5:31PM: Kix are fun in a cup, but they are even more fun in a bowl! I know where Mommy and Daddy keep the fun silver bowls, so I took one so I can properly play with my Kix in the living room.
5:38PM: Oh, look – my drawing pad! I’ll take a quick break from eating my Kix and draw a picture.
5:41PM: Ok, enough drawing. I’m all done playing with my Kix. Time to take the bowl into the kitchen.
5:42PM: Oh, look – my Swiffer! I’m going to clean all of the dust and dirt off the floor for Mommy and Daddy.
5:47PM: This floor isn’t very dirty, but I can do something about that. I’m just gonna go ahead and dump my Kix on the floor. Then, I’ll really have something to sweep up!
5:49PM: Mommy didn’t like having Kix all over the floor. She picked them all up before I had a chance to Swiffer them for her.
5:56PM: I wonder if there’s anything good to eat in the pantry. Oh wait, Daddy says it’s time for dinner.
5:58PM: Daddy just buckled me in my booster and I am ready to eat!
6:00PM: Time to pray! Mommy and Daddy always tell me to put my hands together when they say grace, but I’m doing more than that. I figured out how to fold my fingers just like they do! Mommy and Daddy just finished saying the prayer and my job is to say “Amen” at the end. Mommy says she’s so proud of me.
6:02PM: Yay! Time to eat! We are having stir fry and I am so hungry!
6:14PM: The chicken and rice are pretty good, but I really love the vegetables in my stir fry and Daddy just gave me more!
6:25PM: My tummy is just about filled up, so it seems like a good time to sing This Little Light of Mine. I’m really good at holding up my pointer fingers to shine like candles while Mommy and Daddy sing.
6:29PM: Mommy took my plate away and Daddy wiped my hands and face. I still didn’t like it, but at least it wasn’t the worst thing ever.
6:30PM: I am so good at tricking my Mommy and making her think that my hand disappears. Don’t tell her, but I just pull my hand into the sleeve of my shirt. She always gets scared and thinks my hand disappeared. Then I pull my hand back out. Silly Mommy falls for it every time!
6:35PM: Time for pajamas! Mommy laid me on my changing table for a clean diaper and pajamas. She tickled me so much while she worked, I couldn’t stop laughing. And when she was done, we sang This Little Light of Mine again. That is such a fun song to sing!
6:53PM: Daddy was fixing something at the dining table and it looked so interesting. Mommy sat across from him and let me sit on her lap to watch. She thought she was being sneaky and tried to trim my nails again, but there was no way I was going to let her do that!
7:03PM: Mommy wanted to take my picture at the table, but I saw her camera and I wanted to play with it. Mommy is showing me how she pushes the button to take pictures and she’s letting me take a picture of Daddy! I’m really good at taking pictures, just like her.
7:04PM: Oh my goodness, oh my goodness … my best friend Matilda came over! She’s the doggie who lives next door and I love her so much!
7:05PM: Matilda, let me hug you! You are such a silly dog.
7:12PM: Matilda, stop licking my face, that tickles! You are so funny! I just wanted to lay down and find your ball under the table, but you won’t stop giving me kisses and it is sooo funny!
7:15PM: Matilda’s Mommy just got back from vacation and she bought me a present – a big pink sweatshirt and she bought a matching one for Matilda. I think it’s so funny when Matilda wears clothes. It’s even funnier now that we match!
7:16PM: Matilda, let’s play fetch! I’ll throw the ball and you go get it.
7:21PM: Matilda just wants to sit on the sofa with my Daddy and that is ok by me. I’m getting kind of tired, so I think I’ll just sit down and make a picture on my drawing board.
7:38PM: Mommy says it’s time for Matilda to go home so I can get ready for stories and bed. I always follow Matilda to the door when she leaves and blow goodbye kisses. Bye, Matilda! See you next time!
7:44PM: Daddy says it’s time for snack and I know just what to eat – Kix! I’ll get them out of the kitchen so Daddy knows to pour them in my snack cup.
7:46PM: Daddy said no more Kix tonight and he gave me a cup with crackers instead and a cup of water. I guess that’s ok. Time to go see Mommy for stories.
7:48PM: Mommy really wants me to sit on the sofa with her and Daddy to read stories, but that’s what we always do and I’m feeling sort of silly. I’ll just let Mommy hold my cracker cup, and I’ll go back and forth from Mommy to my chair while I enjoy my crackers, instead of sitting to read stories like we always do.
8:00PM: Time to brush my teeth and get toothpaste! The toothpaste is so yummy, I just want to suck it all out the toothbrush, but Daddy says I need to move the toothbrush in my mouth, too.
8:06PM: Time for stories! Daddy is sitting in the chair waiting to read and my job is to pick out four books for him to read. I have my books all picked out and Daddy tucked them next to him in the chair so they are ready to go.
8:08PM: Mommy says it’s time for her hug and kiss so I run up to her as fast as I can. She feels so cozy, I don’t want to give her a hug. I’ll just tuck my arms by my side and snuggle onto her shoulder before I give her a big kiss goodnight. Mommy’s ready to say goodnight, so we do “1, 2, 3” and she puts me in Daddy’s lap for stories, then gives me one last kiss before she leaves. Mommy always wants lots of kisses and we blow each other one more kiss right before she says “God bless you” and walks out the door.
8:10PM: Now it’s just me and Daddy reading stories with my lamb. I snuggle my lamb really tight while we read the stories I picked out. One of my books has a tiny little spider in it and I make Daddy stop reading so we can sing Itsy Bitsy Spider a few times before he can finish reading.
8:18PM: We finished reading all my stories, but I just want to sit and rock for one minute before it’s time for bed.
8:19PM: Ok, enough rocking. I point to my crib so Daddy knows I’m ready for bed.
8:20PM: Daddy says it’s time to pray before I go to bed. I know just what to do and I fold my hands right away for my bedtime prayer. When Daddy finishes praying, he reminds me to say “Amen.”
8:22PM: Daddy asks for a kiss and I give him a great big kiss before bed. Then we put lamb back on my dresser and I blow kisses to lamb so she knows I love her.
8:23PM: It feels so nice and cozy in my crib. I crawled into my favorite corner and I’m snuggling up with my bottom in the air while Daddy rubs my back. He says tells me he loves me and reminds me that he wants me to try to sleep all night long and not wake up until at least 7:00AM. I don’t know what that means, but I’ll try my best.
8:25PM: Daddy blew me one last kiss before he walked out the door. Now it’s nice and dark and I am ready to go to sleep. I had such a fun day. I wonder what we’ll do tomorrow.
The detailed timeline of Dessa’s day is AWESOME! So much fun to read. Hilarious commentary! I love how she loves Kix. So cute!
Thank you so much, Cynthia. I had just introduced Dessa to Kix a few days beforehand and she was hooked! Thankfully, her Kix consumption has already declined significantly. So glad to hear that you enjoyed the post.
This was so fun to read! Little ones just go a mile a minute, don’t they.
Yes they do!
This is adorable! I love it!💕
All my kids are high school age now. I barely remember them being this small. It goes by so fast. ☹️
Thanks for the sweet (and hilarious) reminder of what a day is like with a toddler! 😂
I’m so happy to hear that you enjoyed the post! I partly wrote it for myself so I can look back on it one day when our toddler days are far behind us so I can remember exactly what this crazy time is like.
This is so precious! I love your commentary, I can imagine that’s really what she was thinking! Dessa stays so busy, it’s too funny. And totally takes me back…the way they move so quickly from one thing to another, it’s no wonder I got nothing done back then! I remember when we would find a show on PBS Kids that my first daughter would watch, it was a miracle. Blue’s Clues did the trick back then. 20 whole minutes of her sitting still long enough for me to shower or do whatever I wanted, but only for 20 minutes, ha!
That does sound like a miraculous 20 minutes! So happy to hear that you enjoyed the post :)
This is so sweet. My daughter is a teenager now and you really do forget how busy little ones are. This will be a treasure to look back on for you.
Thank you Laura! I definitely wrote it just as much for myself to look back on and enjoy as I did for our readers :)