Last week, we shared a blog post explaining why we don't want our daughter to receive boatloads of toys for Christmas and why we intentionally keep a minimal amount of toys for her in the house. If you didn't read the full post, it may have sounded a little like we are toy-hating … [Read more...]
Why our Toddler Doesn’t Really Need Toys for Christmas
Halloween is over and Thanksgiving is coming up, but there's one major holiday that's already on everyone's mind: Christmas! For those with children, that usually means toys and lots of them. As we prepare for the gift-giving season, Maria and I are doing our best to keep Dessa's … [Read more...]
What Our Toddler Will Be Wearing this Winter
November has proven to be an unusually expensive month for dressing our 16-month-old daughter. She did some growing and transitioned out of 18-month-old clothes and into the 24-month size. With the arrival of winter weather and the holidays just around the corner, I also invested … [Read more...]
My Daily Goals at Home
One of the most challenging aspects of settling into my new routine as a stay at home mom has been finding a compromise between my former self (with an impossible-to-accomplish list of daily goals) and my new role of mommy with a dependent toddler in tow. I tried and gloriously … [Read more...]
Pumpkins, Pumpkins Everywhere
It's pumpkin season in the Gavin house! We have been having a ton of pre-Halloween fun and it seems as though Dessa can't get enough of the seasonal squash. Whether it's eating, playing, stacking, squishing or cooking, this girl is all about the pumpkin! This post contains … [Read more...]